Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tagged by the Wonderful Sweet Efah...eheh

Okay...10 facts about me?

1) I'm not a big fan of advices and lectures...everytime when a person lectured me,i just kept my mouth shut and in my mind the words that only came out?,"yea right!"

2) i love to make jokes..and if nobody laughs at my creation of jokes, i would consider them as lame...ahahaha!

3) i don't ususally slept early like 11 or 10 because to me it feels like the time is too short and my eyes are still bright..haha and i only felt sleepy when it's 2 or 3 a.m...

4) if there's one day i didn't practice my guitar playing i'll take midnight as my practice time although it's just for one hour only...

5) I'm very shy and quiet in the outside although during online i'm not..haha

6) when im mad at someone i don't usually scold them..i just have to shut up cuz if i said something,they'll hate me for the rest of my life...

7) i'm also not a big fan of a whiner...

8) i usually don't even care if anybody said anything bad about the kind of music i love, ya'll know what i mean, Rock and Metal music...who cares anyway? i love that genre...

9) to me, malay version of inspirational quotes are lame...ahaha

10) the most thing i hate is when my peaceful life is disturbed by an unknown stranger...